Sooooo... I don't have any money as of now. And I get my paycheck on Tuesday. Does anyone wanna help me out?
I've got a bunch of Tuffy's money that's begging me to spend it. Tuffy, if you're reading this, stop right now!
It sucks working for a startup sometimes. I'm supposed to go out Friday evening here and Friday night here, Saturday during the day with Evil, Sunday is the booze cruise, and Monday to Outback with, once again, Evil. Then I might head over to SuMo too. How the fuck am I gonna do this?!?!?!?!

I've got a bunch of Tuffy's money that's begging me to spend it. Tuffy, if you're reading this, stop right now!

And I will *never* tell what I've done for a keg.
I wish the word "rock" wasn't so abused...