Thanks to all who showed up to the party. It seemed like it was gonna be a bust, despite the keg, food, and bands for FREE! Almost no one from the site turned out except for FunkTion, Evil, and Lina. Not even Kayla came, but apparently she had some personal shit to take care of, so I understand. It actually turned out the party became a rager towards the end of the night. I didn't hit the sack until 4 am. I've been partying from last Wednesday night up until Monday night, which resulted in a Tuesday puke fest.
Not fun. Surprisingly, it was something I ate and not the drinking. Strange things happen, my friend.
In other news, I've had several conversations about Japan, mostly with Bunny, and it made me wistful of the days I spent there. So I decided to pull out the old photos from my hard drive and put them in my pics folder. If you're curious, I'm sure you'll be able to find them.

In other news, I've had several conversations about Japan, mostly with Bunny, and it made me wistful of the days I spent there. So I decided to pull out the old photos from my hard drive and put them in my pics folder. If you're curious, I'm sure you'll be able to find them.

Have a great week.