It's been a little while since I last posted. Michele asked me the other day if I was ok, cuz I looked bummed. I said I was fine, I was just tired and hate my job. But then I thought about it later, and I got really depressed/angry/sad and whatever other negative emotions I don't feel like typing out. I guess I'm kind of in a funk right now, and I'm really trying desperately to get out of it. I need to start writing songs again and get my emotions out, or I'm going to crack. I just have no time anymore, and it really sucks. On a good note, my band is playing a show in Fremont tonight. Wish us luck.
More Blogs
Friday Dec 03, 2004
Wow. Well that sucked. -
Thursday Dec 02, 2004
We're playing at the Stork Club tonight with the Teenage Harlets. Do… -
Saturday Nov 27, 2004
My trip back home has been fairly uneventful. Despite the fact that … -
Friday Nov 26, 2004
Got damn my family can cook. Well, except for my dad. But at least … -
Saturday Nov 20, 2004
My friend Joaquin put me on the guest list to see Cardboard Vampyres,… -
Wednesday Nov 17, 2004
Top three reasons I joined SG: 1 2 3 I'm speechless. -
Monday Nov 15, 2004
Lots of coffee fuels my mornings. Such as this one. I haven't don… -
Wednesday Nov 10, 2004
Alright, alright. No more asking what happened. If you wanna talk a… -
Tuesday Nov 09, 2004
I don't like it when my friends get zotted. It sucks. I especially … -
Sunday Nov 07, 2004
I'm in a giant house in the Berkeley Hills babysitting all by my lone…
did you meet markley? he was there last night.
did you meet markley? he was there last night.