Once again it is light outside. I am not amused . Sarah has to go to Boston for a week for a modeling shoot, and then she is flying to New York to shoot with Richard Kern. She had to miss a very excellent fashion show she was offered to work. I will be alone in that posture of time when she is gone, gone...gone.

wow, tell her to have fun, Richard is rad to work with.
dude.. are you still alive? you're still paying for this website anyway.
I forgot about this social format. I feel more dense as of this moment, physically. That is because I have done nothing to reject the sweat that shoved out of me a time still earlier than now. It has become something else, though; insincere, not a bit helpful, and even maybe a bit malicious. Just because I do not seek to dillute and remove it...
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i think i could love you.

yes, i think i could.
There is another set of my wife shot by Richard Kern up at the modernist. I like some of the pictures. It is also up on fleshbot.com. I have to go running now.
The wind did get pretty high out there, but I am not sure of exact numbers. My friends and I were in an evacuation zone "A", but decided we would ride the storm out (I was myself was frightened, they weren't). It ended up hitting places we were supposed to evacuate to. For the most part it was really nice out there, and right now I am trying to fight the depressed feeling I get whenever I leave from a vacation.

*edit spelling

[Edited on Aug 21, 2004 10:46AM]
I think it is kind of strange that the cops called my phone first to have me come downstairs and let them in, then they handcuff me, and need me to lead them to my apartment for them to search it. What? Couldn't they find it on their own? They did say on the way up that they would not have been able to find...
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They said it was routine because I am on parole. They put me in a truck full of people, with us all handcuffed to a steel bar, who were all also on parole. They were taking us to go get tested for drugs; that is, urine analysis. If you came out positive you were going back to the joint. I was the only one out of around 40 people who were completely clean. They said that that was quite an anomaly. Well, they did not say "anomaly," but they said that it was rare. Oh yeah, the Curiosa concert was good. Interpol was incredible, and seeing the Cure was amazing; they played old stuff mostly.
haha thank you for the apollinare quote. somehow i didn't notice it till today, and it made me laugh so much. fabulous, so really, thanks smile

hey that really is a thing being on parole. i don't even know what to think of it.
I am going to see The Cure, Mogwai, The Rapture, and Interpol tonight.

My apartment was raided this morning at 6:30. The agents came in two units; all came upstairs. All were wearing bulletproof vests and had fully automatic weapons.

They looked while I sat handcuffed on the couch. They found nothing.
Look at pictures of my nice, dainty wife by clicking on rectangles above.

Two bus stops. Each on perpendicular streets. At one stands a seemingly Mexican man of seemingly 50 years with a thick wool plaid flannel that positively does not contain the color red but is buttoned up. This man also wears pants and a cowboy-esque hat. He holds a bag and has a...
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I haven't got the car yet, the photo is the one I took while camping at the Twin Lakes. I havent enrolled in school yet, because I am unsure what I want to study. Your wife is very attractive, her figure is like one that many women would envy.
wow, that's amazing. how do you know kern?
Spent three-hundred dollars on plants and plant-related objects. My wife made me cum astonishingly fast this morning... with the genius of her anxious, moist mouth. I will put in more pictures of her modeling work, but some stuff cannot be used yet for reasons. I was walking down Chicago Avenue when a Puerto Rican boy, probably around eighteen years of age, shoved open the glass...
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Photos are really very naughty. Think I own the same black and red tartan dress- Brooks Brothers? Def regret not meeting the two of you trouble makers in Chicago, but will be back. I am so late in sending you an off-line email, been traveling and doing other things, but will get focused as I want to send.

Meow for now.

K kiss kiss kiss

[Edited on Jun 30, 2004 5:39PM]
that's how i should learn english
I have not written for a while but I do not think anyone is really reading this anyway seeing that I do not make my rounds dribbling harmless words under the guise of a comment. Today has been very difficult. My little girl...oh, my little girl. She caused me so much pain but in the end I am just worried for her fragile soul. There...
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Kern told me a bit about you last time i saw him. he is my homeboy, acts like a big brother all concerned. I love getting photographed by him just laying around his apartment or in east river park listening to outrageous stories from his junkie days with the sound of old punk music in the background, The little moments he makes me crack up. He is an amazing artist and a cool person.yeah, that guy in the picture with me was my ex road dog, one of my best friends, he was living in east river at the time. i know some old skool cats, not so much in Ny but some. I stayed at the bat cave last time, its this huge abandoned warehouse in brooklyn if you didn't know for some reason, its weird cause squatters all the way in mexico heard about it when we got busted. anyways your wife is beautiful.
Love, Lily
P.s. i'd love for you to send books when i'm in jail, i'm going to serve time july20th for a few months, you have to send them from the bookstore or publishing company though. you know the deal i'm sure.
your wife is really beautiful.
i love kern's work. NY feels so distant in your words, I miss dirty fallen angels stories.

stay up.
There is a naked girl in my bed and she is obscenely gorgeous. I really, really do want to fuck her but its just too damn hot. I took alot of pictures of her, though. That is, while she was sleeping.
I want to see the pictures.
I want to see the pictures.