This thursday, my grandmother finally found peace in death. She fought a long battle with emphazema(sp), and many times we wondered how she was still alive, and where she found the strength. One of the many blessings is she passed peacefully, not in bed, not alone, but at a favorite bar, doing what she loved, gambling. She left us with a laugh, and I will miss her.
Cheers to you Betty, Josephine Trubac, grandmother, mother, wife, friend, glue that held together what little family there was left. You will be missed, but always loved.
Cheers to you Betty, Josephine Trubac, grandmother, mother, wife, friend, glue that held together what little family there was left. You will be missed, but always loved.
My condolences to you and your family. I know exactly how you feel. I lost one grandmother this past winter, and Rose is-- well-- we dont know.