Well it was a pretty good weekend. I found myself a nice place to work in the Twin Cites. Forever yours tattoos, in Anoka. Check out their site, it's a great shop. The people there are the finest kind, and I'm excited to get a chance to work there.forever yours tattoo Check them out if you get the chance. In other news it's a black day in the history of the united states, that asshole was just sworn in for another four years of terror. May the gods have mercy on all of us.
Most small tatto shows are polotics, but we liek to drink 

Jonah got a first place sunday for his wife's floral piece. We were too late to enter anything. One of the guys we brought nearly passed out when he was watching suspensions....and I got a new dresss. Also I drank much LaCrosse Lager. So, it wasn't a total loss.