Someone stop the presses, I wasn't "nice" to someone. So somone from another shop, 30 miles away came in and I wasn't "nice". WHAT? If I recall I wasn't rude, I was busy. If 3 guys walked into there place and started asking business questions without even a hand shake, they wouldn't be "nice" either. The best part is now I'm the asshole. So if...
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R.I.P. Superman
Super not because he acted in movies, but for everything he quietly contributed to the world. The world will miss you, and the disabled world will miss your voice.
Christopher Reeve moved on to a better place, and left the rest of us to carry on his work.
Super not because he acted in movies, but for everything he quietly contributed to the world. The world will miss you, and the disabled world will miss your voice.
Christopher Reeve moved on to a better place, and left the rest of us to carry on his work.
My underware drawer is haunted. I have heard of skeletons in the closet, but ghosts in my bvd's?
In other news, I can't think of a damn thing to post other then my netherworld guests in my unmentionables.
In other news, I can't think of a damn thing to post other then my netherworld guests in my unmentionables.

Well you could always resort to drinking...
there is usually always somethign to talk about after a night of drinking...

Thank you so much.
I had forgotten how much I like Louis Armstrong, untill I bought a double disk of his greatest. After hours upon hours of rock bands, some good, some great, and a few that suck. It's nice to kick back and listen to music done so well it fills the room with emotion. Goosebumps abound. Besides I can't remember a time when I didn't smile when...
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Well yes they're one sided, they're the side that support the war. Of course there is a side that doesn't support it. But those are just some good things to come out of this.
We went to war for being attacked by Japan, not Germany.
The other two shouldn't have sent them to begin with.
They're aren't nearly as many of them, and yes, they are harder to get because they blend in with non terrorists.
Anyway, my opinion is that we're doing a good thing over there.
I didn't realize you were from menomonie, do you school or work. I see that you're older, so probably out of school, right?
The other two shouldn't have sent them to begin with.
They're aren't nearly as many of them, and yes, they are harder to get because they blend in with non terrorists.
Anyway, my opinion is that we're doing a good thing over there.
I didn't realize you were from menomonie, do you school or work. I see that you're older, so probably out of school, right?
The weather outside is flippin' perfect, just making it into the 70's and clears skies. For october in wisconsin, this is a gift from the heavens. I might just have to close down the shop and go enjoy it.
What started out as a nice quiet weekend, turned into the take no shit weekend. My normal chilled self left the building, and I let my temper run the show. Lets just say words were said, threats were made, and a few people learned that acting tough in a car while driving by will get you punched in the face when you park. Now lets...
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dude - words don't describe how perfect that drawing is...
it's fucking amazing.
it's more than fucking amazing...
how good are you??!
thank you!
I really need to go to bed...but I'll hook up with you over the next couple of days.
thank you are a fucking legend.
it's fucking amazing.
it's more than fucking amazing...
how good are you??!
thank you!
I really need to go to bed...but I'll hook up with you over the next couple of days.
thank you are a fucking legend.
They think because you are driving it is a shield from everything.....How stupid some people can be.....
No, changing the color doesn't make it "original". No, barbwire isn't cool. Yes I think you should think about it longer, because if you rush it now, you'll regret it later. No I won't do a butterfly that spells out BoB in BIG bubble letters. Wait I have to pay the bills, yes, yes, sure, and of course. I can be such a whore.
Hey your work is your name. I wouldn't want to put up a name for myself by doing not so good work. Also, An honest government would be great. But do you think it will ever happen? LOL!
Well I threw up some new drawings, for all of those who would like to look. (see pics) Other then that, I will be going to a "low-brow" art show which I am showing a few pieces. It's just a local gig, but it should be fun. In other news, it's another hot day and I am getting a major case of "swamp ass" or...
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Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, not RAW!!! LOL You go crawdaddin' with RAW bacon! I think I had an appetizer once that consisted of raw bacon. I poked at it with my fork, but that was about it. LOL
Like the first new pic man, real nice.
really it's crap
Why do people bother with weddings? If you love a person, be with them. Screw feeding the greed of all those wedding planners, florists, wedding dress makers, and on and on and on. They are just feeding off of what was once two happy people. Turning them into a bitter, exhausted, un-happy, married couple. So yeah I have to go to a wedding tonight. Get...
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I hope your suite and undies didn't shrink in the dryer. I hate weddings too. I've never been to one before, and I don't plan on going to one anytime soon. It's like a funeral for the nearly dead or something.
Thank you for the nice comment on my set!
Thank you for the nice comment on my set!

Someone once said that 7 out of 10 people are stupid. Now the question is does the 7 know, and can they spot one of their own??? I would like to think I'm one of the 3 that are not stupid, but now I'm kinda wondering??? Maybe I think everyone else is stupid, and I am actually one of the stupid ones??? Well stupid or...
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Shit man, I KNOW I'm stupid! I just acknowledge it and carry on regardless! 

Bank holiday television is, for want of a better word, crap.
It's just the same old cheap junk they put on every public holiday... usually some old James Bond film and Mary Poppins...
It's a tradition
It's just the same old cheap junk they put on every public holiday... usually some old James Bond film and Mary Poppins...
It's a tradition

Well on the up side were busy as hell right now, on the down side? I'm so sick of people right now I could choke the next one that walks in.....
Stupid idea after stupid idea.
Just one fun piece that is all I ask...something with some kind of artistic anything.....please god no more, names, flowers, dragon flys, tribal that spells somebodys name, aaahahhhhhhh
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Stupid idea after stupid idea.
Just one fun piece that is all I ask...something with some kind of artistic anything.....please god no more, names, flowers, dragon flys, tribal that spells somebodys name, aaahahhhhhhh
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Nah, choke one of the fuckers, it'll make you feel a lot better.... trust me!
If I could, I'd come over for my back piece, but I can't afford to get it done, never mind come over to the states to get it done!

If I could, I'd come over for my back piece, but I can't afford to get it done, never mind come over to the states to get it done!

I know how you feel. I have been told that I'm a bitch because I asked the "friend" of the other artists client to go into the lobby or sit down because they have bumped into me while tattoing.
I know how you feel. I have been told that I'm a bitch because I asked the "friend" of the other artists client to go into the lobby or sit down because they have bumped into me while tattoing.