fucking eh! Ever since i've arrived back to SD, I haven't had a moment to really calm down. Things are back to normal in regards to my typical schedule at which I know wonder how I EVER managed to handle it in the first place????
I really look forward to going home to my place and sleeping in my bed. I think my roommate misses me or something. It's odd that he's trying to contact me to see where I am. Rule of thumb for me, is if you haven't heard from me in over 3 weeks and my ipod is still at home and my coffee supply is fully intact.. THEN you can presume me as dead.
And I'm noticing the trend. The harder you try to stay away unoticed and lay low... the more that people will bother you. hmmmmmm. It's not even the weekend yet, and i'm weekend is looking booked up. I guess, i really have been a rotten friend. I haven't seen nor spoken to my roommate and friends in over 3 weeks! Partially by choice, but mostly due to hectic schedule and being outta town.
AND here's another trend.... When you're young and single, your life tends to be just as busy. I have NO CLUE how people with families even do it?! I can't even manage to fully take care of my plants.. yikes!
(these are just this weeks observations procured by resuming my typical scheduled lifestyle.)

I really look forward to going home to my place and sleeping in my bed. I think my roommate misses me or something. It's odd that he's trying to contact me to see where I am. Rule of thumb for me, is if you haven't heard from me in over 3 weeks and my ipod is still at home and my coffee supply is fully intact.. THEN you can presume me as dead.
And I'm noticing the trend. The harder you try to stay away unoticed and lay low... the more that people will bother you. hmmmmmm. It's not even the weekend yet, and i'm weekend is looking booked up. I guess, i really have been a rotten friend. I haven't seen nor spoken to my roommate and friends in over 3 weeks! Partially by choice, but mostly due to hectic schedule and being outta town.
AND here's another trend.... When you're young and single, your life tends to be just as busy. I have NO CLUE how people with families even do it?! I can't even manage to fully take care of my plants.. yikes!

(these are just this weeks observations procured by resuming my typical scheduled lifestyle.)