I hate staying on top of blogs, but I feel like making a genuine effort here. I always feel like no one really cares what I do on a day-to-day basis but whatever, I'll keep this blog for personal reference.
Today is my monthly poetry slam. WOOT!
For deets on what that is, check out www.capitalslam.com. I'm the co-founder/ co-slammaster of the series that has been running for over two years. We've just released our second live cd, originally titled "Live at Capital Slam 2006" and I've even got an executive producer credit (Miss Fancy pants over here).
Tonight our feature is Jill Binder, a Toronto/Ottawa cat who's got a great following in both cities. Hopefully there'll be a good turn out as I need the cash.
In other news....yesterday I went to Five Cent Tattoo to discuss my Mary with Baby Jesus piece for my side with Jimmy. I just emailed him some ideas and can't wait to get things rolling.
I also cleaned my room, reorganized my wardrobe, applied for a few jobs online, exchanged sexy text messages with a hawt boy, rehearsed some poems for tonight, got in a fight and made-up with my sister, and tentatively planned a trip to LA for the New Year....other than the shaking I would say those energy pills worked.
Keep the posts coming kids and I'll try to keep everyone updated!
Today is my monthly poetry slam. WOOT!
For deets on what that is, check out www.capitalslam.com. I'm the co-founder/ co-slammaster of the series that has been running for over two years. We've just released our second live cd, originally titled "Live at Capital Slam 2006" and I've even got an executive producer credit (Miss Fancy pants over here).
Tonight our feature is Jill Binder, a Toronto/Ottawa cat who's got a great following in both cities. Hopefully there'll be a good turn out as I need the cash.
In other news....yesterday I went to Five Cent Tattoo to discuss my Mary with Baby Jesus piece for my side with Jimmy. I just emailed him some ideas and can't wait to get things rolling.
I also cleaned my room, reorganized my wardrobe, applied for a few jobs online, exchanged sexy text messages with a hawt boy, rehearsed some poems for tonight, got in a fight and made-up with my sister, and tentatively planned a trip to LA for the New Year....other than the shaking I would say those energy pills worked.
Keep the posts coming kids and I'll try to keep everyone updated!

I wanna know how to get in on the sexy texts...guess id have to be hawt first...
busy girl