A note to all the guys out there, a night out with lesbian pals is always a good time. I'm not even talking about the girls that lez it out on the weekends either (of coarse, that's fun in it's own way too!!), I'm talking about the full-time lesbians. Some of my best friends are lesbians, and they're a fuckin blast.

My ex girlfriend was a complete lesbian there for a minute....but last time I saw her I was with my (now ex) husband at the Stuckshot show and she was with her b/f and we made out LoL....the funny part of the story is that she was like...grabbing my ass, kinda, and unintentionally lifting my already miniskirt, so the dudes behind us got a show. heh, and my husband didnt even know this was going on. dumbass 

razor blades in apples and lesbian friends both rock