Damn, I know It seems like it's been a while sence I've updated this shit, but it's about time. Anywho, It's been kinda nice to have some time freed up for partying. And the lovely ladies of Savannah seem to be quite happy that the good Captain Peter FantazDick has had a chance to get out of the house. Anywho, I missed all you ladies too!
A good rest is important every now in then for a hardcore partier like myself anyway. Oh yeah, I just got my S.G. hardback in the mail today. It's great!! My little Irish mother even loves it (she came over and saw it on the coffee table, and I caught her thumbing through it). Also, the warped tour is comming to Jacksonville in Aug. I hope I can make it. UNTIL NEXT TIME, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES, AND EACHOTHER!!

I am sure he is adorable.