I was "ghosted" by a boy recently. It wasn't pleasant, and I would not recommend anyone else dare try it. It only leaves the recipient at a loss... for words, closure, etc.
For context, I was having a drink at a bar with two friends (one of them a boy I've had interest in for a few years). All was going swimmingly in my favour; he was laughing at my jokes and we were getting along great! We ended up going home together and I woke up the next day in his bed, as planned.
Since I had to work the next day, I went home and we agreed to hang iut in the afternoon. We met up, had a nice double date, and then I went back to work. The next day, after not hearing anything, I sent him a message thanking him for a lovely time and apologising for being so spaced out from my hangover.
"Where's the sin?" I hear you ask. Well, I found out later that he'd asked one of the other bartenders to go home with him earlier in the evening, and since then I've directed my frustrations at being left empty worded at her.
It's been a week now since I heard anything from him, so that's roughly how long I've spent having ill feelings towards my coworked about this. I'm sure she'd never have intended to catch his attention if she'd known I was interested, and in fact I'm sure she'd be horrified if I told her. But I was hurt. By him, and by feeling that way and having no response to go with, I subconsciously took it out on her.
Until today. Today I realised what I'd been doing and I feel awful about it. I committed the cardinal sin against another woman. A woman I respect and love.
I'm sorry, Rhi Rhi. Xx