I finally took care of some business....something I have been putting of doing for ages....ya know...something you need to do, but don't for sentimental reasons...I finally stepped out of my comfort zone and....
So I bought a new pair of Chucks in Vegas and gave my Pumas a noteworthy funeral in The Gap.
Only bad part is that my Chucks give me blisters.....aahhh..such is life
In other news, school is going OK...just now wrapping up midterms. I feel good about school and actually love it. A dork I am I know.
I also am looking for a new job, I went ahead and put in my notice at the TreeHouse today....too much drama and too much stress...restaurants are all dramatic and stressful...but this weekend was totally out of control and I am not putting up with that shit anymore.
Fuck the Bullshit y'all.
Some of you dig it.
So I guess I have to hit the classifieds and what not.....meh...
I hope everybody in SG land is doing well and special thanks to all my friends here who make the days that much brighter.