By Definition
Alright, I guess it is time for an update, sorry this is pretty raw, no time or energy to put into my journals, not like usual.
These are things I have seen in the last few days, or at least seen while I have my camera handy
Modern Rebel?
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spoilered to save the load time folks ;-)
This could have been my backyard 20 years ago, yet now it is down the road.
This tree was split by lightning during the Spring; there is something powerful and heartbreaking about it
Ahh, this weekend was alright.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
.... slammed and full of insight, I come up with 2 amazing dishes, the first was a special we ran on Thursday, it sold out so we ran it again on Friday, 86's both nights, yeah that felt good. It is satisfying to have ppl eat your creations.
- Pan seared Halibut, black-eyed peas, silver corn, poached shrimp, cilantro butter, micro greens.
The second was an Amuse Bouche, for those who don't know, 'amuse bouche' is French, it translates to mean 'sparkle mouth', it is something sent to VIP tables before they order, sort of an introduction to the culinary experience they are about to embark upon. Yes, a truly fabulous meal can be coordinated with the same delicacy, power, and vision of a symphony, all 5 star chefs work to master the art of building a meal through beautiful presentation, solid flavor and building courses and pairing with wine. If you ever have opportunity to eat a 5 or 8-course Chefs dinner with wine, absolutely do it. I have indulged twice in these culinary adventures, and they were both memorable. It will change your life.
Ok, so the amuse was
- Tuna tartar w/ honeydew, chives, vanilla oil, garnished with curly radish.
I wish I had a picture of it, it looked like something from Arte Culinaire...
Sooooo..... I realized the other day why I was feeling so salty the reason things weren't falling into place like I wanted them to was b.c. I subconsciously have been blocking the changes. As soon as I stepped back on Thursday, every situation I had been struggling with started to resolve naturally, and amazingly my inspiration for cooking was revived, hence the new dishes, and also the changes that will soon be coming about. I won't bore you with the details, but let me put it this way, take your livelihood, and in the prime, decide to change course, and then when you start making these changes deal with head hunters, job offers, contracts, personal misgivings, and just flat out deal........that's what I have had to do. I will always love cooking, but finally I am starting to feel a little easier knowing that I won't be getting paid for it all the time. Which is OK, I am ok, sad, yes, but ok. I am proud to be a chef; I hate that now I have to look at myself as a student and a food service pro ?!?!?!? Fuck !!! I definitely will not identify myself as a waitress, not on your life, even though it will be the main source of my income as of next month. It will be good though, to work less hours, make more $ and have more time for school. I am starting to get my ass kicked, and was like a zombie in school all day today, who the hell can keep their eyes open after 5 shifts back to back.
....And yes, to remind myself that shit happens, my car is fucked, I have no idea what's wrong with it, I am taking it in tomm, that's if it will start, and yeah, I dropped my cell phone in a pot of hot water this weekend, I have to go replace it tomm, this is the second time I have done that, damned electronics and water are not a good combo ;-).....but hey life is life and stuff is jsut stuff.... and life is mostly good......
I was in desperate need of decompressing today after my bio test so I went to one of my fav. Places, I call it the Rock, it is also known as Vickery Creek, an offshoot of the Chattahoochee River.
