"I get people..."
to do the funniest things for me. I got all the boys in the kitchen at the Monkey House to posae for this shot last night. It is too funny not to share.
Ok, sorry no real updates lately. I am balls to the wall, as always, in fact I should be doing something else right now, namely homework. I got out of my morning shift early and am chillin before evening shift, so ShellyMC in her ultimate sexiness tagged me...
here goes, unedited, 20 Fun Fancy Facts
1) I know the secret to life, b/c I am OK when everyone else is not OK - "Don't worry, be happy" Life will always be challenging, it is important to try and enjoy the experience, and attitude has everything to do with it
2) I am a coal miners daughter. (ok, stop laughing, it is true)
3) My tonsils were removed before my 3rd birthday, I was the youngest person EVER to have that surgery in S. Africa
4) I have child sized teeth. (All the calcium went my long limbs)
5) I never sleep enough, although through meditative practices I have learned rejuvenation through periods in Alpha.
6) I have lived on 2 continents (Africa/N. America) and 2 tropical islands (Puerto Rico & Maurituus) and I am pretty sure I butchered the spelling on that, but this is unedited so....
7) I love to fly, sail, drive fast, etc. Although I don't really like roller coasters, to harsh on the spine..
8) I have never been on the Pill a day in my life and I refuse antibiotics, let's just say it is against my religion.
9) I have called over 40 different residences 'home' - it's where your rump rests right?
10) Somebody wrote their Ph.D dissertation on the first 18 years of my life. It is actually quite boring to read.
11) I have been in the news, twice, both were bad things, think guns, school buses, kidnapping, drug smuggling the whole nine yards. I wish I was making that one up.
12) I sent my biological father to jail. I haven't seen or heard from him in 14 years, and I have no idea how I would react if I did see him. I secretly hope I will find out one day.
13) I got my first speeding ticket on my learners permit, I was by myself, and my license was revoked for speeding the day I bought my first car.
14) I graduated high school 2.5 yrs early. It was an alternative study school named Independence. The date was 4/20. Coincidentally, that sums up that entire period of my life.
15) I was a salaried manager of a night club before I was of legal age to drink. My employers didn't realize it until I had my 20th B-Day.
16) My life dream is to found a safe haven, and eventually a series of homes for abused children, non -religious with a focus on positive coping skills and understanding the give and take of life.
17) My favourite book of all time is Candide by Voltaire, I read it at least once a year.
18) I used to weigh an incredible 220#'s ten years ago, now I am considered average.
19) I am terrified of anything that flies and stings, bees aren't so bad, but yellow jackets, hornets, wasps - I get goosebumps just thinking about them.
20) I drank 3 beers while writing this.....
Everybody in the US have a Happy 4th of July. For me Independence Day is like a big birthday party, I plan to be hanging with friends and photographing fireworks.
Oh, yeah, I have to write this lest I forget. I made a deal with myself, if I get all A's this quarter I am taking a trip to NY this fall. I need some change of scenery and culture, plus I never got to go to the MET and the MOMA was being remodeled last time I went. So, I guess I got make the grades ;-) I have already started looking at flights. I prolly should start studying as well....
to do the funniest things for me. I got all the boys in the kitchen at the Monkey House to posae for this shot last night. It is too funny not to share.

Ok, sorry no real updates lately. I am balls to the wall, as always, in fact I should be doing something else right now, namely homework. I got out of my morning shift early and am chillin before evening shift, so ShellyMC in her ultimate sexiness tagged me...
here goes, unedited, 20 Fun Fancy Facts
1) I know the secret to life, b/c I am OK when everyone else is not OK - "Don't worry, be happy" Life will always be challenging, it is important to try and enjoy the experience, and attitude has everything to do with it
2) I am a coal miners daughter. (ok, stop laughing, it is true)
3) My tonsils were removed before my 3rd birthday, I was the youngest person EVER to have that surgery in S. Africa
4) I have child sized teeth. (All the calcium went my long limbs)
5) I never sleep enough, although through meditative practices I have learned rejuvenation through periods in Alpha.
6) I have lived on 2 continents (Africa/N. America) and 2 tropical islands (Puerto Rico & Maurituus) and I am pretty sure I butchered the spelling on that, but this is unedited so....
7) I love to fly, sail, drive fast, etc. Although I don't really like roller coasters, to harsh on the spine..
8) I have never been on the Pill a day in my life and I refuse antibiotics, let's just say it is against my religion.
9) I have called over 40 different residences 'home' - it's where your rump rests right?
10) Somebody wrote their Ph.D dissertation on the first 18 years of my life. It is actually quite boring to read.
11) I have been in the news, twice, both were bad things, think guns, school buses, kidnapping, drug smuggling the whole nine yards. I wish I was making that one up.
12) I sent my biological father to jail. I haven't seen or heard from him in 14 years, and I have no idea how I would react if I did see him. I secretly hope I will find out one day.
13) I got my first speeding ticket on my learners permit, I was by myself, and my license was revoked for speeding the day I bought my first car.
14) I graduated high school 2.5 yrs early. It was an alternative study school named Independence. The date was 4/20. Coincidentally, that sums up that entire period of my life.
15) I was a salaried manager of a night club before I was of legal age to drink. My employers didn't realize it until I had my 20th B-Day.
16) My life dream is to found a safe haven, and eventually a series of homes for abused children, non -religious with a focus on positive coping skills and understanding the give and take of life.
17) My favourite book of all time is Candide by Voltaire, I read it at least once a year.
18) I used to weigh an incredible 220#'s ten years ago, now I am considered average.
19) I am terrified of anything that flies and stings, bees aren't so bad, but yellow jackets, hornets, wasps - I get goosebumps just thinking about them.
20) I drank 3 beers while writing this.....
Everybody in the US have a Happy 4th of July. For me Independence Day is like a big birthday party, I plan to be hanging with friends and photographing fireworks.

Oh, yeah, I have to write this lest I forget. I made a deal with myself, if I get all A's this quarter I am taking a trip to NY this fall. I need some change of scenery and culture, plus I never got to go to the MET and the MOMA was being remodeled last time I went. So, I guess I got make the grades ;-) I have already started looking at flights. I prolly should start studying as well....

... sounds like I really missed out on meeting a very cool, unique and intelligent individual.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I am going to make you a cake at work today/tommorrow later since it is pretty much the stroke of midnight, and I am going to eat it