"Welcome to Fancy Land"
Current State of Affairs
SPOILERS! (Click to view) Tearing down and rebuilding. Evolution of the Spirit and mind in inevitable. We can resist change, we can attempt to stop it, but the fact of the matter, change is inevitable.
Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.
Anais Nin
Although I fear my worker bees are getting ready to strike, "too much work, too little compensation", I myself have ideas for the future and will not be deterred, at least that's what I tell myself.
Economic Status

SPOILERS! (Click to view) Now hiring: Somebody to come count money, make deposits to bank, open mail, write and mail checks, and please go get my last paycheck at Aria and file my damn taxes, and fill out my legal forms, etc, why I opted to file as an independent consultant is beyond me.
Agricultural Resources

SPOILERS! (Click to view) We got beer, beer, beer, milk and tea. The best perk of working for one of the busiest cafes/nightclubs in the city is that when I asked one of the owners if I could buy a case of beer on Sunday (GA is still a dram shop state and does not sell alcohol on Sundays), I got well, a case, not a 6 pack, not a 12 pack, but a case of 24. I also got another 12 pack on top of it. I beat one of the barbacks at "Asshole" on Saturday night...hehe...oh yeah, and we got some leafy green stuff out in the garden if real food is required. Although highly unlikely, too friggin hot to eat solid food. Ya dig?
As for the fearless leader of Fancy Land

she is being her usual Fancy self every chance she gets
Now for the truth of the matter.
SPOILERS! (Click to view) I am doing the best I can. Let's just say that it always seems it is either feast or famine. Every facet of my life feels filled to excess, Job offers, new friends, old friends coming out of the woodwork, lovers, school, picture opportunities, modeling opportunities, etc. I don't feel overloaded, but man my computer is getting ready to crash and burn... really, I just feel like I have been spinning around like a little kid , trying to make myself get dizzy.
Anybody remember this song?
To me you look like your lots of fun,
Open up your loving arms.
Watch out here I come
You spin me right round baby,
Right round, Like a record baby,
Right round round round
Dead or Alive]

Gotta love some Pete Burns? It truly is a testament of our modern times that Androgyny is so widely accepted these days. Fabulous that everybody gets to be who they wanna be right?
Add on 2.am :
SPOILERS! (Click to view) Oh my, the wierdest thing just happened, Mickey, my cat came in through the bathroom window right as I was about to get in the shower, he is mostly outdoor, and he was carrying a little field mouse. He drops the mouse on the floor at my feet. It was still alive, he had not pierced it's throat, so I being the kind soul I am grab a towel and catch the mouse. I tried to throw the mouse out of the window but the bloody thing clung to the towel and landed in the tub with me. I yelped and jumped on the edge of the tub. There I am naked, water running and scared of this little mouse in the bath tub. I started laughing at how ridiculous it was that I was crouched on the edge of the tub and this poor mouse is looking up at me, getting wet, right after spending who knows how many minutes in my cat's mouth, and I was scared? I reached down and threw him out the window. Silly. This has happened before, I would expect my reaction to be different, but I guess not.
Peace !!
We say 'fancy' all the time for somebody you like the look of, what the hell do you say?
I am in London tonight, Scotland at the weekend...........Can you imagine the sheer size of my Carbon feet!!!
i checked out the debate over that list in the film group...
and i have to agree with most of the folks in there..
entertainment weekly will probably be getting letters from all over
from film buffs just dying to tell them how they missed the boat
with that list..
i think most of us here on SG could have done a way better job..