When I first meet people in person I always look in their eyes first. I wanna see if they have spark, they are after all the windows to the soul. Emotion can be conveyed in a simple glance.

The next thing I always look at is their hands. You can tell alot about a person by their hands. We perform so many tasks with our hands
we can create,

we can seduce....or kill

we can comfort

I am thankful to have my hands. They are kinda scarred up,callussed and veiny, but that's because I use them alot. Did you know the thinnest layer of skin in your body is the top of your hands. So wear your sunscreen to avoid those age spots. You can also tell how healthy people are by the state of their nails and their personal grooming habits.
Look at your hands right now, what do they tell you about you?
This is a quick snap of my hands

Fun facts about my hands:
My pinkies and index fingers are crooked from the last knuckle up.
I was born that way. The Dr. offered to break my fingers when I was born, my mum said she would break his face if he touched my fingers. My Oma used to tell me that I was the devils child becase they look like devils horns, that and the fact I was born with black eyes. She used to draw the cross on her body when I came in the room. She was a nut.
I am double jointed in both thumbs. It looks creepy.
The only perk to my hands being super long, crooked and double jointed, I can span an entire octave on the piano. Too bad I can't play for shit, would help if I practiced...
These are some of my favourite hands shots on SG
Thanks to all who said kind things yesterday. I have some really awesome friends here on SG. I sometimes wish we all lived in the same neighborhood. Cyber reality does not compare for the real thing.
Everybody have a great weekend, I have one hour left of being human and then it is Robot D for the next couple days.
What are the first 3 things you look at when you meet new people?
And, show me your favourite body part pictures. I know some people are into feet, others are into backs, some legs, mostly boobs......so to make it more interesting refrain from just boobs. That's just too easy.
Peace !!!
I am staying at a retreat the first week with Mom... then I'm going to bum around until my flight back on July 2.
Oh, and by the way, I love your journals...
If I meet a nice women I imediately imagine us at the moment of orgasm, hot, moist, intimate......which is why I usually say something stupid straight away......