"Y'all Ready for more of this?"

or more of this?

or how about this ?

Yeah, hell yeah, that's right !!!!
I know some people who are going to veer from ecstatic to enraged over the the next month. These games are the only time I can remember it being OK to have a TV in the kitchen. Every kitchen I have ever worked in has allowed World Cup to run simultaneously with the hustle of service. It is even ok to stop doing whatever you are doing to watch the crucial points of a game, just don't burn anything ya know !!
I loved the article about the Lost Girls. If y'all have time check it out.
I feel like there are chapters of my life that would be straight from that Series.
Who would I be most like? Probably Alice, always jumping naively down the rabbit hole. ;-)
Peace yo !!!

or more of this?

or how about this ?

Yeah, hell yeah, that's right !!!!
I know some people who are going to veer from ecstatic to enraged over the the next month. These games are the only time I can remember it being OK to have a TV in the kitchen. Every kitchen I have ever worked in has allowed World Cup to run simultaneously with the hustle of service. It is even ok to stop doing whatever you are doing to watch the crucial points of a game, just don't burn anything ya know !!

I loved the article about the Lost Girls. If y'all have time check it out.
I feel like there are chapters of my life that would be straight from that Series.
Who would I be most like? Probably Alice, always jumping naively down the rabbit hole. ;-)
Peace yo !!!

you should have come out