fancyd is a captivating, intoxicating individual. Around fancyd, birds suddenly appear, and choruses of angels sing hymns to fancyd's bonny face. Sadly, unless fancyd tells you more about fancyd, this is all you'll ever know about fancyd.......
Real update later.
My brain is on overload and my body is tired.

Real update later.
My brain is on overload and my body is tired.

I've recovered from the bronchitis ... but the smokers' cough remains
Just as I bought book 10 of The Wheel of Time I read that book 11 has been released! Damn! I thought I'd finished them all ... but it's such a good read that I don't mind more books in the series. He can go on writing forever!
Initially Moraine was my favourite. Her relationship with her warder Lan seemed such a special one. I cried all night after I read about her 'death' (I'm not convinced she's dead though ... or perhaps I just want to believe that somewhere, somehow she's still alive ...)
Now I really like what has become of Egwene. The girl-child became a wise young woman. And then of course Faile ... so spirited! I can only wish to be like her ... And then also Aviendha. Oh, how I wish I could get a sister like that! No, I really mean I wouldn't mind sharing my husband with a sexy girl at all!
For some unknown reason the Dark Side has not fully caught my attention. The love story is such a great one that the Dark characters seemed to shift into the back of my mind ...
I want to start reading it all over again because it is really just such a great series!! A friend of mine read the series two years ago and now bought the German version and is reading it again, but in German. Crazy people out there
I can carry on about this series for hours and hours ... but now I need to catch up on all my other friends' journals.
Have a great day and week!
Lots of love and hugs and