"Life is Good"
I am sitting here, eating watermelon in my underwear and it is 2 in the afternoon and I don't have to be at work until 5:30. Kick Ass!! I didn't know what to do with myself, I am so used to working 10+ hours a day....but of course I have found ways to keep myself amused ;-)
My secret confession is that I have fallen in love......with life.
I feel like a human being again. I got to hang with firends, play with babies, take lots of photographs, build new canvases, clean my car, take a long walk, cook breakfast, paint my toenails and all sorts of wonderful activities I seldom get to indulge in. It feels good.
These are my favourite pictures from the past few days:

Kira Harper
It is so amazing to watch a child grow from not even being able to focus on you, to being completely enrapt by the camera. She was an excellent model.
I have said it before, and I have to say it again. I never lack for anything in my life. On Sunday I was griping with Englishking about not having AC in my car. I commute ALOT and it is HOT in Guh'gah. I couldn't imagine going another agonizing 4 months w/o the luxury of air conditioning. Well, guess hat happened yesterday. I got my AC fixed for free. I have awesome friends !!!
I must have appeased the gods or something.....
I also got to take this cool picture

BTW - am I the only person who read the SG interview with Mike Patton. He is a ROCK GOD !!!

and a genuis.
Peace out yo !!
I am sitting here, eating watermelon in my underwear and it is 2 in the afternoon and I don't have to be at work until 5:30. Kick Ass!! I didn't know what to do with myself, I am so used to working 10+ hours a day....but of course I have found ways to keep myself amused ;-)
My secret confession is that I have fallen in love......with life.
I feel like a human being again. I got to hang with firends, play with babies, take lots of photographs, build new canvases, clean my car, take a long walk, cook breakfast, paint my toenails and all sorts of wonderful activities I seldom get to indulge in. It feels good.
These are my favourite pictures from the past few days:

Kira Harper
It is so amazing to watch a child grow from not even being able to focus on you, to being completely enrapt by the camera. She was an excellent model.
I have said it before, and I have to say it again. I never lack for anything in my life. On Sunday I was griping with Englishking about not having AC in my car. I commute ALOT and it is HOT in Guh'gah. I couldn't imagine going another agonizing 4 months w/o the luxury of air conditioning. Well, guess hat happened yesterday. I got my AC fixed for free. I have awesome friends !!!
I must have appeased the gods or something.....
I also got to take this cool picture

BTW - am I the only person who read the SG interview with Mike Patton. He is a ROCK GOD !!!

and a genuis.
Peace out yo !!

you are like my own personal motivator
hows that newfound freedom treating you?
I don't envy anyone in the restaurant profession, even the ones who love what they do...
only because the hours are terrible and they dont leave you much time to really enjoy anything else during the day.