"Why are you standing there with your cock in your hands?" I could have said this 50 times today at work. It drives me crazy when people are lazy and leave the work for other people to do. It seems like lately it has been me doing the work while other people are reading the newspaper or prepping these elaborate family meals.
Don't get me wrong, I love flautas as much as the next girl, but dammit that Halibut sitting on ice isn't going to break itself down...'don't worry chef, D's gonna tke care of that', yeah right while these assholes are making goddamn salsa and flautas. I almost expected hand made fucking tortillas today, especially since it took 3 people 2 fucking hours to make the food.
And then service.... I could not help but smile when Chef asked the fish guy why he couldn't handle cooking one thing. "You need D to come over there and hold ur hand Erre?" "No primo" ( I was just too busy scratching my ass to pay attention to the food I was burning)....Not like I was doing much better it seemed. Absolutely not into it today.
I really wish I had 2 more hands...no I don't, then I would just try to do more
And while I am venting can I just say I really don't give a fuck about peoples personal issues and neither does the person dropping a hundred bucks for his dinner. I don't give a flying fuck if those guys at work have a hard time respecting a white woman. We are not in Mexico, and I will not be 'tranquila' about these assholes attitudes. Don;t worry though, they all know that . Get it straight people. I am so glad I don't have to work tomm. I won't have to speak any spanish or hear another goddamn "VERGA!!!" for almost 36 hours.
Happy Happy Joy Joy !
Sorry kinda boring, but I needed to vent
Don't get me wrong, I love flautas as much as the next girl, but dammit that Halibut sitting on ice isn't going to break itself down...'don't worry chef, D's gonna tke care of that', yeah right while these assholes are making goddamn salsa and flautas. I almost expected hand made fucking tortillas today, especially since it took 3 people 2 fucking hours to make the food.
And then service.... I could not help but smile when Chef asked the fish guy why he couldn't handle cooking one thing. "You need D to come over there and hold ur hand Erre?" "No primo" ( I was just too busy scratching my ass to pay attention to the food I was burning)....Not like I was doing much better it seemed. Absolutely not into it today.
I really wish I had 2 more hands...no I don't, then I would just try to do more
And while I am venting can I just say I really don't give a fuck about peoples personal issues and neither does the person dropping a hundred bucks for his dinner. I don't give a flying fuck if those guys at work have a hard time respecting a white woman. We are not in Mexico, and I will not be 'tranquila' about these assholes attitudes. Don;t worry though, they all know that . Get it straight people. I am so glad I don't have to work tomm. I won't have to speak any spanish or hear another goddamn "VERGA!!!" for almost 36 hours.
Happy Happy Joy Joy !
Sorry kinda boring, but I needed to vent
Ugh, I don't envy your job in the slightest - it sounds very stressful