I'm so bored.
I have this urge to make something
yet no urge to think......
I realized today that there is so much of my experience which is purely internal.
Whole days go by in my brain. I read something really interesting today
about traveling without moving
thinking and affecting reality
heres some clips:
My consciousness was placed inside the right angle of the large inverted capital L as it was written, as if it was a vehicle. This is a rather dangerous procedure. This meant that I was identified with the marked state, i.e. I existed. I was now riding the marked state as if it was a vehicle, but at the same time, I was the marked state. This means I was the consciousness, the signal that was being fed through the marked state outside myself. As soon as this happened, I transited explosively into the void. My consciousness was still intact, but there was no universe at all.
colour comes from the Electrons jumping from one energy level to another and then back again; What if one can consciously observe and therefore modify the behaviour of the Electron from within the dream. Scientists at the Wisemann Institute in Israel have demonstrated (applicable to one Macron or smaller) that the Electrons behave differently when observed. The observer influences the energy; thereby one can ?effect? changes to the environment

I have this urge to make something
yet no urge to think......
I realized today that there is so much of my experience which is purely internal.
Whole days go by in my brain. I read something really interesting today
about traveling without moving
thinking and affecting reality
heres some clips:
My consciousness was placed inside the right angle of the large inverted capital L as it was written, as if it was a vehicle. This is a rather dangerous procedure. This meant that I was identified with the marked state, i.e. I existed. I was now riding the marked state as if it was a vehicle, but at the same time, I was the marked state. This means I was the consciousness, the signal that was being fed through the marked state outside myself. As soon as this happened, I transited explosively into the void. My consciousness was still intact, but there was no universe at all.
colour comes from the Electrons jumping from one energy level to another and then back again; What if one can consciously observe and therefore modify the behaviour of the Electron from within the dream. Scientists at the Wisemann Institute in Israel have demonstrated (applicable to one Macron or smaller) that the Electrons behave differently when observed. The observer influences the energy; thereby one can ?effect? changes to the environment

im bored too...im burning a fear factory cd