Alright vast quickly changing world, I hope you are ready for me. Or ready to go on this journey with me. I am saying it out loud and holding myself accountable, I am starting my blog.
The idea here is to be open and vulnerable, to process some shit and help others process through theirs. To open healthy discussions about things that are important. This seems to be where I pause.
It’s hard to open up when you are accustom to being hand slapped. I am sure a good gaggle of you feel you can relate with the feeling of loneliness. Possibly some of you will be able to relate to mother trauma. There are a wildly fun bunch of you that will understand my perspective as an adult diagnosed Aspie. With a beautiful Aspie son and a NT one too. I will talk about my dogs and the adventures of having a metric fuck ton of dog food and by nature poop too.
@kiley has asked me to write about how this c-vid is affecting me and that’s a hard one.
Hard because again it’s a higher level of vulnerability. I like to be a positive person and I try to come at situation and people with a kind heart. This really comes from my soul and it is a part of my spiritual beliefs. However this c-vid bs. is a struggle, being isolated from the very few people I am semi-close to feels like what I imagine a leprosy patient feels like. I got it twice this season, I was not very sick.
First time at Thanksgiving, next time was just last week.
I quarantined for extra long and did my part but people were/are still hesitant to be near me. Even with my current negative tests.
I still feel isolated.
My little men have been so disappointed missing school for so much time.
But for me, there has been lots of time to reflect, can you say you didn’t have c-vid if you never tested?!
Let me be clear at this point I am on the same page as the meme, c-vid last year = quarantine c-vid this year = you can spit in my mouth if my Mr . Says it’s ok.
Lets’ get the sticky part out of the way… I have an owner.
I am not married (currently)
I am owned by another human and I am 100% sure, that it looks nothing like what you are picturing.
I would LOVE to hear what you ARE thinking though.
It’s nice to meat you ~ Let’s hot doggie together.
Fancy S.