I am very proud of mysetf! I am doing so well at updating. The dumb girl story update is that, I kissed her ass. Seems like the push over thing to do but it makes me the bigger person as well as making my life so much easier. So I sucked ass, and she got happy. Very imature! I got a new puppy, her name is Zoe and she is the cutest rotty. Very very small right now. I will upload a pic soon, or if anyone wants me to send a pic text just let me know what the number is and I will obey. My hunny gave me a blackberry pearl the other day, that is taking alot to get used to! But the coolest fucking shit ever is being able to connect to the web from anywhere with it
I miss Khoos so much! Thats all for now, I'm done... your done.... we're done
