Two in a row! On a roll... I dont have anything to say. I feel pretty ill lately, and its all related to a recent health problem that has been quite a chore to deal with. But I can now see the light. There is a girl who is causing me much headache, driving me crazy. She keeps acting really imature, she used to be my friend until recently. She desided I was selfish and rude and always in a bad mood. LOL anyone who knows me ( not to toot my own horn, cause I am a lot of negative things but not these things! ) knows that this is far from the truth. I got this girl her job, and have done so much for her. Its a long story but she is being so hateful. I will have to see her at family functions and all kinds of events in life, as she is my mans best friends wife! Shitty. I also have to work with her, and she can't handle acting like an adult... she is so mean and hateful. I am trying not to let it bug me, but for whatever reason it just burns... its like a really bad itch. I hate it!
Bailey's coming back down to the springs some time this week also.
oh and i don't know where this rumor is coming from that i'm going to denver for thanksgving b/c i'm working a double that day. i am going to be making around $30 an hour so i'm not passing that up.