what a fucked up weekend. i don't even want to go into it all suffice to say it all ends with a lie detector test.
it's o.k. though because i work on the weekend so my weekend is actually wed. and thur. two glorious days of doing nothing but what i want.
i also get to spend it with Larissa. I love her so badly it hurts sometimes. i'd give up weed for her and that's alot from me. but she's so awesome i don't have to.
I was having trouble getting my profile done. i submitted it four times and gave up. i came back tonite and did it and it worked fine. go figure.
and what the hell happened?? you're still working so it must have worked out..it's sounds pretty crappy...
you have tomorrow off? cool so does dave...you should come smoke us out cause we're super broke and you're our best friend...hint hint and no he just cut it back to the regular length like he always does. the longish vulcan cut as i like to call it. but it totally took me back to when we first met up again.. it kind of gave me butterflies when i saw him
email me tomorrow or post on here if the line is busy.
love ya
and you better change that virgin thing to say the first time i had sex and it was with alisa!!!! come on give me a little bit of credit, dude.
[Edited on Jun 04, 2003]