Today was a good day, after covering an event for a local radio station (Jammin 95.5) via video and still photography, my production company, FanBoy Pictures was awarded a total of $2,500 in advertising on the station. Owning a production company is fucking fun....
Next on list
1 Dominate Portlands media market!!!
2 Take over Hollywood
3 Rule world with iron fistand own harem
Next on list
1 Dominate Portlands media market!!!
2 Take over Hollywood
3 Rule world with iron fistand own harem
That must feel very sweet.
-sly smile-
So, how much would you charge me
to take my SG set?
I'm teasing.
But really.. cool thing with the
radio thing and such.
Truly happy for you.
But, you'll have to get rid
of me first.. because the world will
cower under my fist..
Ooo.. it's all fisty-like.. and yeah.. fisty.
O, and conrats on that production!!!!!!!!!
[Edited on Oct 11, 2003 10:13PM]