Wow today was the best day Ive had in a long time. Ive had a lot of stress recently, just random crap that builds and builds and you can never put your finger on it until you first acknowledge the fact youre just short of a depression. So for me it was things like dealing with a schizophrenic mother, having to watch my dad who is also my hero get laid off work then see his house, the same house I grew up in get foreclosed on. Then you add the fact I have not had more then 3 days off in a row from my job over the last 2 years and the stress involved with my passion of filmmaking and trying to raise over $60,000 so I can make my first feature film(on that note if you are reading this and are rich or know some who is and would like to invest in a kick ass independent film let me know)Seeing my only love at this point is my passion for making movies I could count my failed love life as a stress factor as well.
How did I fix this? Well I didnt, but I did something that made me feel a hell of a lot better I took a personal day thats what Im calling it. I grabbed my camera took off in my car and went for a day of self exploration. Having done that I feel much better, for me it was a trip to Mt. St Helens a pretty awesome sight on its own, but in my adventures today I was about the only living sole around, as if the volcano was all mine for a day.Its hard to describe what I felt but while I was out there just me and the trees and the lava bed and this big ass volcano dwarfing everything around it and I let go I just let go and allowed my self to just be alive. Suddenly everything seems less challenging right now.
How did I fix this? Well I didnt, but I did something that made me feel a hell of a lot better I took a personal day thats what Im calling it. I grabbed my camera took off in my car and went for a day of self exploration. Having done that I feel much better, for me it was a trip to Mt. St Helens a pretty awesome sight on its own, but in my adventures today I was about the only living sole around, as if the volcano was all mine for a day.Its hard to describe what I felt but while I was out there just me and the trees and the lava bed and this big ass volcano dwarfing everything around it and I let go I just let go and allowed my self to just be alive. Suddenly everything seems less challenging right now.

now it is crushed.