Venting! Why can't women figure out what the heck they really feel before saying something??? This makes no sense to me. I think many women, whether knowingly or unknowingly, use men emotionally. That's not right or cool. I think it's worse to be used emotionally than physically. I mean, if someone uses you physically then at least you can call her an asshole and leave it at that. But to use someone emotionally as I see girls do all the time is insane! To fake emotions unintentionally or not, just to get the emotional high of someone showing how much they care for you pisses me off.
Where are the women with a bit of integrity in their souls?? Is it too much to ask of them to simply figure out and keep people up to date with what they actually feel?
To make matters worse for us men, women are the ones who are far more emotionally mature. They have a much better understanding of what their emotions are. I think women as the more emotionally mature sex, have the moral responsibility to not abuse that advantage and to help men grow in positive directions.
I would venture to argue that it is a direct result of womens emotional manipulation of men throughout their lives that so many men are emotionally stunted. So ladies, next time you complain about some bloke not letting you in on his emotional side, thank yourselves.
Sure it must be nice to have a strong shoulder to lean on, or a man who will dependably provide for you (i.e. pay for the majority of dating expenses etc..), or a man who will always be there for you when tragedy strikes. But wait a minute, isnt that same man often hurt just as much by that tragedy? Did you ever stop to consider what emotional trauma you might be causing him by forcing him to bury his emotions in order to help you through yours? And isnt it also unfair to burden his pocketbook more than yours?
Granted this isnt always the case, but I think a woman who can actually claim to truly promote equality between the sexes 100% of the time especially in the emotional sense is rare indeed. For those of you who do, my hat is off to you! Let me know I could use the encouraging news
To make matters worse for us men, women are the ones who are far more emotionally mature. They have a much better understanding of what their emotions are. I think women as the more emotionally mature sex, have the moral responsibility to not abuse that advantage and to help men grow in positive directions.
I would venture to argue that it is a direct result of womens emotional manipulation of men throughout their lives that so many men are emotionally stunted. So ladies, next time you complain about some bloke not letting you in on his emotional side, thank yourselves.
Sure it must be nice to have a strong shoulder to lean on, or a man who will dependably provide for you (i.e. pay for the majority of dating expenses etc..), or a man who will always be there for you when tragedy strikes. But wait a minute, isnt that same man often hurt just as much by that tragedy? Did you ever stop to consider what emotional trauma you might be causing him by forcing him to bury his emotions in order to help you through yours? And isnt it also unfair to burden his pocketbook more than yours?
Granted this isnt always the case, but I think a woman who can actually claim to truly promote equality between the sexes 100% of the time especially in the emotional sense is rare indeed. For those of you who do, my hat is off to you! Let me know I could use the encouraging news
![ooo aaa](
my parents are coming down to see it so i am pretty nervous about that, ha.
[Edited on Feb 28, 2006 8:06PM]