Time to unload. 2016 has been weird. Some massive highs and some really shit lows for a lot of us.
I'll start with the general shitness. The dreadful terrorist attacks that continued from the back end of 2015. The countless iconic deaths of people that inspired generations, it was a freakish amount this year. I'd say Brexit and trump. But what's worse is the divide of the general public on these stances. Everyone at eachothers throats. The rise of open racism in the weeks that followed both votes was sickening too. Then we have the rise in in filmed police brutality and shootings. Is that a rise in numbers? Or just more people brave enough to film this dreadful behaviour.
Personal shitness too. My own health this year hasn't been great. Asthma got worse. I broke my foot and spent a lot of time inactive. A family member close to me isn't well. And my personal belief is that this was her last Christmas. Metal Hammer being shut down is heartbreaking for me an aspiring journalist in alternative music.
But hey there is a bright side. I've has a great year in terms of my potential career and future. I've had more work published online. And had my first print articles. Including terrorizer which is huge for me. My uni work was much better than expected. A first in year one of music journalism. One of my articles reached 32000 hits. Which is incredible. I've joined the Mammothfest team and it's great to see the festival grow. Opportunities have opened, my career and personal network in the music industry is spreading and I can only think things are getting better in that field of work.
I've been to so many great shows and festivals this year. I had the opportunity to meet family in Canada for the first time after 27 years on this planet, and it was one of the best couple of weeks. I got to see where my mother grew up for a bit and where some old family photos were taken. I spent a couple of days in Belgium on my own, was the most relaxing time. I've seen mates just get engaged and I couldn't be happier for them. My cousin got married too.
We can say 2016 has been shit. And in some cases it has been. But if you look hard enough. I'm sure there are some points that you can think "yeah, it's had some good moments too".