part 1 of my Boomtown diary for Broken Arrow can be read here....
stay tuned for more
Here you can listen to myself and other BA contributors Dan Young and Noah Moralis ramble on about what's going on at the magazine and the music world. Featuring chat about what we got up to at Hevy and Boomtown. We were also joined by a last minute guest, Waff Ill, local BMX rider who's signed to a fairly prestigious company
The link below you can read my latest feature for Broken Arrow Magazine on Ska Punk/Dub band Popes Of Chillitown,
They are a sick band and everyone needs to check them out!
One of the first local bands I ever saw in 2004, and tonight they're doing a one off show for charity! time to feel 14 again
They've kept me busy. I've been queuing up posts for their website and twitter. Data collection for their radio and tv plays then cataloging it. Same with magazines. Cutting out pages, scanning and cataloging them. Been researching for any recentish reviews of NB bands. I did a retail price difference and stock check for certain releases on Amazon, then I wrote a couple of features...
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not much has changed, still working, about to finish my year of college, and in general just been going to shows and hanging with mates, had my 24th at download festival, that...
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