moving day! time to leave on the 24th. thats the last day here. so florida bye bye! its been fun but its time to go back to wisconsin. thanks for the the few good times, and not so much all the bad ones. you will be missed!.... maybe
so yeah, i see you downtown ALOT. lol.
Damn son, it's been for fucking EVER! Yeah, I remember who you are. Remember, I'm good with faces. Can't believe you got Zach in one of your pics on here, he'd laugh. Things are good, i'm working at Raven Software in Madison as a Lead Animator. Been here for about 2 and 3/4 years now. Just working my ass off and hanging with the family. How far is LaCrosse from Madison? I'm completely Wisconsin Geographically Challenged. West Coast? pfft. Too fucking expensive. What are you looking to get into? Discipline wise and Movie/Film wise?