I went scuba diving on Sunday. It was a good dive minus the crazy strong rip tide we got caught up in. It took about two hours to swim back into shore.

But it was a good dive site.
Dang it has been awhile. I have been all over the place. At the time I am in Florida. I just came from Maryland and before that I was in NJ. Next week I will be back in Japan. I am starting to hate airplanes and large crowds. I want to get back to my photography.
I am in America!!! Yup, it's been a long time but I am here in Maryland for a month. Not long, but it feels great to be here. I am hoping to get a photo set in while I am here. Well, sorry this is short but I am going out to the mall. I haven't been able to shop a real clothing store in...
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I have pics to post but I have to scale them down. They are huge. -chris
Next week I will be in the states. Yeah!!!! I haven't been in America for two years. I am taking a web building class in Maryland. I will be there for a month. I hope to shoot a set with someone if I can. But I will have to see how much time I have.

The music scene is another reason I can't wait to...
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So I am trying to fix up a website for my photography. I have thousands of photos but they all just sit on my hard drive for nobody to see. I need a site. I have three shoots this weekend with models. So I will let you know how that goes. I need SG hopefuls in my area. I can only hope.-Chris
Two more are coming out in MR this 20th and 21st smile
thanks for the comment on my happy hour set<3
Have I ever told anyone how hot it is in July in Okinawa? Because it is fucking hot.
I can relate.......hot South Louisiana summers!!!!