Dear lovelies,
I really, really, really have sucked at keeping up to date with this page. If you don't already you can always follow me on myInstagram, falynesuicide. I've been doing better about posting on there more regularly. There's not a ton of photographers within my area and most of the time it requires me to travel 2 plus hours to be able to shoot with someone and with my previous work schedule that just never worked out for me, butttt I'm super happy to tell you guys I got a new job at the hospital I currently work at as an Emergency Room Technician! With that new role my schedule will be reduced to three 12 hour shifts a week! I'm hoping with this change that means I can really start focusing on myself and getting back into shooting and giving all of you some really great sets. Thank you all so much for how supportive you've been, continue to be, and of course always being there to cheer me on and make me feel like the most beautiful baddest babe ever, I seriously cherish all of you so much <3