So this is me and my new found other half, Steven. We coincidentally met this summer while he was on a job contract here in my state and we instantly fell in love with one another. We've spent everyday together since we first met and unfortunately today he had to travel back home for work again. I've never been in a long distance relationship, and I'm having a bit of a meltdown.
He's not terribly far, about 6 hours, but what makes it hard is we both work extremely different schedules, mostly it's me having to work 3rd shift 😡. I guess I'm just looking for some tips? I know very well that we will make this work, so please keep any negative "long distance relationships never work" theories to yourself, thanks!
I also had my wisdom teeth removed the last weekend he was here which put a damper on everything, I still look like a chipmunk but I have no bruising yet! I also wasn't able to take the pain medicine they prescribed to me as it made me terribly sick 😖
I hope everyone is having an amazing summer but I am so ready for fall!