I haven't posted a legit blog in a while.
As most of you know I was in a car accident on May 13th, I broke my tibia and fibula and had a titanium rod put in my leg from my knee to my ankle. I started physical therapy this week and that is going very well, they said i'm healing much faster than they though i would have and i'm allowed to take my boot off and go without it as much as i can tolerate. Yay!
So because of this accident I will no longer be taking my trip to Cali I was planning out for this summer. I had to use most of the money I had saved up to buy a new car, and a huge thanks to everyone who donated to my hospital/car fund who helped me get a new car and work on paying my medical bills! You guys are awesome! I am now the proud owner of a '98 Jeep Cherokee ;)
So in other travel news, I got invited to the Mexico Shootfest next year and I plan on attending, i'm putting my deposit down tonight for the trip! I have no other shoots planned out until then, so if you would like to help me make it out there (i also need to obtain a passport) i made a go fund me account for it since that has seemed to help me out in the past. If you would like to donate you can click -----------> here <-----------
For everyone waiting on instax hopefully i can get them to you soon, just need to find someone to take them >.<
Love you all so much!