I'm standing outside the club last night talking to Austin (SD's best dubstep DJ hands-down), and after he asks me for recommendations on tribal Drum & Bass, I told him I pretty much give up on playing Drum & Bass locally. Told him I'm going to working on my 130 DJ'ing again.
[EDIT: Pretty cool photo of me and Austin...]
"Like that Boddika and Jon Convex electro shit? You'd fucking kill it if you started getting on that."
This is usually what happens when I'm hanging around other scenes more than Drum & Bass. I don't LEAVE it, I just, shift my focus on DJ'ing to other styles where I see a need for my skills as a DJ. I think there's a greater demand for it, and most of the people I talk to around here hover in this area. Besides, I might go to one D&B show a month around here, December isn't looking too bright. Nor is January.
Doesn't change what I do with Drum & Bass, just, I'm a DJ, I play shows. If it's not happening with Drum & Bass, time to do something else.
Anyway, it's was a good feeling seeing Convict Digital 002 featured by Soundium.net alongside the new Kingdom release on Nightslugs...
I can still push cool music, just different cool music.
Its always good to see what else is out there, and follow your heart on what interests you the most. My good friend Andy, aka DJ Sine from old school Pittsburgh raves and Platinum in Philly has always continued to make and play music of all varieties. House, Electro, D&b, and others... And i have always considered him one of the best informed and respectable dj's for that reason.