you have turned my heart inside out. i do not play games.
Current mood: uncomfortable
a friend made a quote to me the other day. this little phrase that bursted forth from his mouth hit me like the realization i have cancer. i started to ponder the things i have learned and i am learning. i look back and see how missguided many of my opinions and choices in life were and are! i see that i am a human being that is controled by feeling, by an emotion discharge that is released everytime i have to decide something in life.
it is a fine line that we , that i walk between understanding love and how to give it. understanding that poeple do not think that same. understanding that many people enjoy games and subconsciencely will hurt themself's just to keep alive.
who made the rule that we should never talk about things that go on in our personal live's. that we need to keep secret's and hide things becuase people might think something of us. why is it that we must feel like love has to have games played out and meet some sort of prerequisite. i proclaim that life has given us lie's.
"Hide in the dark the things that society believe's to be wrong", that is what we are taught!
it is a fine line between love and emotion
"I like you so much, but i am not used to not playing game's", this is what my friend proclaimed to me. telling me of a new relationship he is in.
as much as i am learning about not given into every feeling i have. and that it might seem more logical to play games to keep yourself protected from getting hurt.
i am just happy to see that everytime i start to lean back to where nature is telling me to go, i see proof that it is all just a big lying game!
Current mood: uncomfortable
a friend made a quote to me the other day. this little phrase that bursted forth from his mouth hit me like the realization i have cancer. i started to ponder the things i have learned and i am learning. i look back and see how missguided many of my opinions and choices in life were and are! i see that i am a human being that is controled by feeling, by an emotion discharge that is released everytime i have to decide something in life.
it is a fine line that we , that i walk between understanding love and how to give it. understanding that poeple do not think that same. understanding that many people enjoy games and subconsciencely will hurt themself's just to keep alive.
who made the rule that we should never talk about things that go on in our personal live's. that we need to keep secret's and hide things becuase people might think something of us. why is it that we must feel like love has to have games played out and meet some sort of prerequisite. i proclaim that life has given us lie's.
"Hide in the dark the things that society believe's to be wrong", that is what we are taught!
it is a fine line between love and emotion
"I like you so much, but i am not used to not playing game's", this is what my friend proclaimed to me. telling me of a new relationship he is in.
as much as i am learning about not given into every feeling i have. and that it might seem more logical to play games to keep yourself protected from getting hurt.
i am just happy to see that everytime i start to lean back to where nature is telling me to go, i see proof that it is all just a big lying game!