don't look in the shallow.
Current mood: hot
it is a beautiful day, clouds are on the horizon.
the air is clean, my lugs begin to fail.
i hear the chirping of baby birds, my ears are filled with screams.
my love is in my arms, she is thinking of someone else.
a day begins at a race, filled with the expectations of glory.
the bet's are placed and chances are taken.
uneasiness settle's in, wonder and fright are it's companion's.
a feeling of lose, betrayal is soon to follow.
but first the good time's, the ecstasy must flow over.
first time dumbfounding touch and sensual kissing.
excitement of daily endeavors, joy over meaningless encounter's.
following your heart, going place's that you swore you would never venture.
the race is being played well, but one is at fault while the other is in the dark.
the one has trick and deceit on it's side.
the other has nothing but itself laid bare for the other to take freely.
it is almost finished, completion is closer then a newborn to it's mother.
here it comes, brace yourself.
no matter what you do, nothing can protect anyone from what is now set in motion.
you have put your bet in against your better judgment and now you must pay.
the wage you have set forth has been taken and you have no choice but to release your most prize possession.
you reach into your jacket, plunge your hand in.
crimson stand hands bring forth your prize.
laughter begins as the component of the race walks away with your prize in hand.
Current mood: hot
it is a beautiful day, clouds are on the horizon.
the air is clean, my lugs begin to fail.
i hear the chirping of baby birds, my ears are filled with screams.
my love is in my arms, she is thinking of someone else.
a day begins at a race, filled with the expectations of glory.
the bet's are placed and chances are taken.
uneasiness settle's in, wonder and fright are it's companion's.
a feeling of lose, betrayal is soon to follow.
but first the good time's, the ecstasy must flow over.
first time dumbfounding touch and sensual kissing.
excitement of daily endeavors, joy over meaningless encounter's.
following your heart, going place's that you swore you would never venture.
the race is being played well, but one is at fault while the other is in the dark.
the one has trick and deceit on it's side.
the other has nothing but itself laid bare for the other to take freely.
it is almost finished, completion is closer then a newborn to it's mother.
here it comes, brace yourself.
no matter what you do, nothing can protect anyone from what is now set in motion.
you have put your bet in against your better judgment and now you must pay.
the wage you have set forth has been taken and you have no choice but to release your most prize possession.
you reach into your jacket, plunge your hand in.
crimson stand hands bring forth your prize.
laughter begins as the component of the race walks away with your prize in hand.
thanks so much for commenting on my hopefuls set!!!!!