I haven't been around for a while, so I'm going to do a nice big update, full of poignant moments and thoughtful introspection.
After three years of being a coprorate wage-slave, working under some real fucking vampires (and not in the cool sense), I finally quit. Last night was my last night. Now, I have an even better occupation: Unemployed College Student! I plan to ride all the fame and glory inherit to that one for a while, and then get a job that's (A) interesting, (B) full of interesting people, and (C) isn't corporate, so when Mister Midlifecrisis Asshole Jack gets in my face because he's had a shitty day/ life and taking it out on the college student you bought dinner from is the easiest option... I can fucking yell back at him. Not that I plan on working in food services ever again if I can help it, but that's been my experience.
The Taste of Chaos tour out here is sold out, and thus this year will never ever be as good as it could have been. HOWEVER, I'm still going to Coachella, which means combined with all the other stuff going on, this will still be the best year of the last decade of my life. Hopes are high for the year after this.
I partied with strippers the night before last. TOTALLY overrated.
One of my ex-girlfriends is pregnant. Now THAT'S a weird thing to think about for me. Not that I haven't had my share of young pregnant friends, but it's the fact that it's an ex that makes it kind of weird. That whole feeling you get when you look at an ex and start thinking about where things might be if you were still with them, or if things went differently, or whatever; knowing that they're in a relationship kind of makes that a little weirder, because it throws any kind of guessing you can do out of whack. In a relationship and pregnant like triples that.
My girlfriend's in Vegas. She went with one girl who I'm really cool with and is the type that you're glad your girl is friends with... and two others who are just crazy Scottsdale bitches with nothing to lose. More information to come.
Last night, in order to celebrate the quitting of my job/ the opening of Spring Break week/ a couple friends going back to the Marines, we all got drunk. Yay beer. And you know it was good, too, because at one point I was on a roof jumping into a pool, and at another point I was sitting around with like five people singing along to AFI. I even left early, and it was still a good night. Fuck the entire field of psychology, that's the best therapy right there.
I've decided to have a sex change operation and become a Suicide Girl. The season premiere of South Park has inspired me. At first I wanted to get a tallhottyplasty, with me being average/ average/ and average, but I realized that would still make it weird for me to run around in pink SG panties. Mabye a little hotter, but still weird. Your support is much appreciated.
Batman Begins is coming out in a few months. And yet another reason why this will be one of the best years of the past decade of my life.
Despite not being on medication for about four months now, my major depression has been alleviated purely through personal introspection and a couple major reality checks (not that my depression was any kind of self-imposed delusion... but the best way to avoid real problems is to escape to a little reality). My rampant ADD is still fucking me over, but hey, there's a kid on a bicycle in my front yard, gotta go bye!!!
After three years of being a coprorate wage-slave, working under some real fucking vampires (and not in the cool sense), I finally quit. Last night was my last night. Now, I have an even better occupation: Unemployed College Student! I plan to ride all the fame and glory inherit to that one for a while, and then get a job that's (A) interesting, (B) full of interesting people, and (C) isn't corporate, so when Mister Midlifecrisis Asshole Jack gets in my face because he's had a shitty day/ life and taking it out on the college student you bought dinner from is the easiest option... I can fucking yell back at him. Not that I plan on working in food services ever again if I can help it, but that's been my experience.
The Taste of Chaos tour out here is sold out, and thus this year will never ever be as good as it could have been. HOWEVER, I'm still going to Coachella, which means combined with all the other stuff going on, this will still be the best year of the last decade of my life. Hopes are high for the year after this.
I partied with strippers the night before last. TOTALLY overrated.
One of my ex-girlfriends is pregnant. Now THAT'S a weird thing to think about for me. Not that I haven't had my share of young pregnant friends, but it's the fact that it's an ex that makes it kind of weird. That whole feeling you get when you look at an ex and start thinking about where things might be if you were still with them, or if things went differently, or whatever; knowing that they're in a relationship kind of makes that a little weirder, because it throws any kind of guessing you can do out of whack. In a relationship and pregnant like triples that.
My girlfriend's in Vegas. She went with one girl who I'm really cool with and is the type that you're glad your girl is friends with... and two others who are just crazy Scottsdale bitches with nothing to lose. More information to come.
Last night, in order to celebrate the quitting of my job/ the opening of Spring Break week/ a couple friends going back to the Marines, we all got drunk. Yay beer. And you know it was good, too, because at one point I was on a roof jumping into a pool, and at another point I was sitting around with like five people singing along to AFI. I even left early, and it was still a good night. Fuck the entire field of psychology, that's the best therapy right there.
I've decided to have a sex change operation and become a Suicide Girl. The season premiere of South Park has inspired me. At first I wanted to get a tallhottyplasty, with me being average/ average/ and average, but I realized that would still make it weird for me to run around in pink SG panties. Mabye a little hotter, but still weird. Your support is much appreciated.
Batman Begins is coming out in a few months. And yet another reason why this will be one of the best years of the past decade of my life.
Despite not being on medication for about four months now, my major depression has been alleviated purely through personal introspection and a couple major reality checks (not that my depression was any kind of self-imposed delusion... but the best way to avoid real problems is to escape to a little reality). My rampant ADD is still fucking me over, but hey, there's a kid on a bicycle in my front yard, gotta go bye!!!