Haven't written anything in a while. That's because I'm in a shitty place right now, and when you're in a shitty place, certain things that had an appeal to you on a regular basis somehow get forgotten, and it's not even a conscious thing.
In other news, I'm leaving this country. My university's newspaper did an (another) article that involved some issues with Iraq, and some guy wrote in talking about how he couldn't believe we went after Saddam after 9/11.
Then, some fucking lameass alumni who still writes to his old school's newspaper jumped in and said, "Are you kidding? Did you even SEE the news around that time?? Iraqis were jumping in the streets and celebrating! How could they NOT be involved!"
Wow. Yes. Because everyone in the entire world is either an American or an American Sidekick, or they're terrorists. No middle ground, no nuetral parties, and definitely no one with an opposing viewpoint, ESPECIALLY not within MY country! Alumnist Jackass's letter went on from there, but that was the part that really made me want to just leave.
The Republican National Convention was the same way. Low-grade mudslinging and flat-out bullshitting; every guy who came up to talk talked about how Bush had helped the economy... and yet the facts clearly state otherwise. Turning a several million dollar surplus left by Clinton into a mutli-billion-dollar defecit, plus the number of jobs lost in the last four years.... but hey, if some fat white jackass gets on TV and says it, it must be true.
All of this stuff gets me kinda worked up, mostly because the bullshit gets piled so high, it amazes me that most of the country just goes along with it. Enjoy your shit, country, because these guys love piling it on you, and you love eating it with your fat mouths.
In other news, I'm leaving this country. My university's newspaper did an (another) article that involved some issues with Iraq, and some guy wrote in talking about how he couldn't believe we went after Saddam after 9/11.
Then, some fucking lameass alumni who still writes to his old school's newspaper jumped in and said, "Are you kidding? Did you even SEE the news around that time?? Iraqis were jumping in the streets and celebrating! How could they NOT be involved!"
Wow. Yes. Because everyone in the entire world is either an American or an American Sidekick, or they're terrorists. No middle ground, no nuetral parties, and definitely no one with an opposing viewpoint, ESPECIALLY not within MY country! Alumnist Jackass's letter went on from there, but that was the part that really made me want to just leave.
The Republican National Convention was the same way. Low-grade mudslinging and flat-out bullshitting; every guy who came up to talk talked about how Bush had helped the economy... and yet the facts clearly state otherwise. Turning a several million dollar surplus left by Clinton into a mutli-billion-dollar defecit, plus the number of jobs lost in the last four years.... but hey, if some fat white jackass gets on TV and says it, it must be true.
All of this stuff gets me kinda worked up, mostly because the bullshit gets piled so high, it amazes me that most of the country just goes along with it. Enjoy your shit, country, because these guys love piling it on you, and you love eating it with your fat mouths.