The other day, my girlfriend came over to my house. As she was walking up the driveway, she found a mockingbird on the front porch. She went inside and told me about it, so I came outside.
The bird was lying next to my mom's car, on it's back. I went inside and got a towel, and then picked it up (as gently as possible) to see if it looked hurt. At some point my mom came out too. The thing was obviously very hurt, as it couldn't stand up, and couldn't move one of it's wings.
After about fifteen minutes of looking at the mockinbird, trying to get it to drink some water out of a water-bottel lid, and trying to figure out what we were going to do, it all of the sudden started trying to stand up with some kind of phenomenal effort (considering how weak it had been up until then). It started shaking in my hand for a minute, and then went totally limp.
So now I know what all those books and movies were talking about when they said something had a 'death shudder' or 'death rattle' or 'death shiver' before it dies.
Despite that depressing event, the rest of the night wasn't that bad. Watched some TV, joked around with my mom and my girlfriend.
At one point, thanks to the big light we have outside our carport door, a huge moth flew into the house and terrorized my mom and girlfriend for a little while. In Phoenix, we get these cool moths that are about three or four inches across in wingspan, and it just happened to be one of those divebombing my kitchen.
So I went and opened the carport door, and then held out my hand.
Immediately, from across the kitchen, the kamakazi moth flew right into my hand. I walked outside and let it go.
My girlfriend, when she left that night, told me (with a smile on her face) that I was getting "really really weird" lately.
In other news, started school. My American Politics and Government teacher seems like a very cool guy; this will be sufficiently diminished and unnapreciated in a class of four hundred whining, gossiping freshman.
My Indian History From 1900 teacher was happy to see me again (second year in an Indian Studies program class with her); she was even happier when I remembered the correct way to reply when she greeted the whole class in Dakota. I wasn't overly proud of myself, considering she did that every day of class last year, and I'd have to be the dumb kid in a special ed class not to rememeber.
I finally got the World of Darkness rulebook, after months and months of fluxuating anticipation. I opted not to picked up Vampire: the Requiem, considering I never liked Vampire: the Masquerade (the previous World of Darkness' vampire game). I'm still a little bit worried about how the new version of Werewolf and Mage are going to turn out; I was a huge fan of both games' original incarnation, and even applied for a job at White Wolf doing freelance writing and art for the new game line.
The fact that I'm talking about wondering how the games are going to turn out should give you a good indication of how that turned out.
Chris Campbell (author of Tribebook: Get of Fenris and Tribebook: Shadow Lords (among other things Werewolfish) was nice enough to email back and forth with me a couple times, though, which was really nice of him. He's always been a very fan-approachable guy.
Anyways, I hadn't wrote anything here in a long time, so I decided I'd better.
The bird was lying next to my mom's car, on it's back. I went inside and got a towel, and then picked it up (as gently as possible) to see if it looked hurt. At some point my mom came out too. The thing was obviously very hurt, as it couldn't stand up, and couldn't move one of it's wings.
After about fifteen minutes of looking at the mockinbird, trying to get it to drink some water out of a water-bottel lid, and trying to figure out what we were going to do, it all of the sudden started trying to stand up with some kind of phenomenal effort (considering how weak it had been up until then). It started shaking in my hand for a minute, and then went totally limp.
So now I know what all those books and movies were talking about when they said something had a 'death shudder' or 'death rattle' or 'death shiver' before it dies.
Despite that depressing event, the rest of the night wasn't that bad. Watched some TV, joked around with my mom and my girlfriend.
At one point, thanks to the big light we have outside our carport door, a huge moth flew into the house and terrorized my mom and girlfriend for a little while. In Phoenix, we get these cool moths that are about three or four inches across in wingspan, and it just happened to be one of those divebombing my kitchen.
So I went and opened the carport door, and then held out my hand.
Immediately, from across the kitchen, the kamakazi moth flew right into my hand. I walked outside and let it go.
My girlfriend, when she left that night, told me (with a smile on her face) that I was getting "really really weird" lately.
In other news, started school. My American Politics and Government teacher seems like a very cool guy; this will be sufficiently diminished and unnapreciated in a class of four hundred whining, gossiping freshman.
My Indian History From 1900 teacher was happy to see me again (second year in an Indian Studies program class with her); she was even happier when I remembered the correct way to reply when she greeted the whole class in Dakota. I wasn't overly proud of myself, considering she did that every day of class last year, and I'd have to be the dumb kid in a special ed class not to rememeber.
I finally got the World of Darkness rulebook, after months and months of fluxuating anticipation. I opted not to picked up Vampire: the Requiem, considering I never liked Vampire: the Masquerade (the previous World of Darkness' vampire game). I'm still a little bit worried about how the new version of Werewolf and Mage are going to turn out; I was a huge fan of both games' original incarnation, and even applied for a job at White Wolf doing freelance writing and art for the new game line.
The fact that I'm talking about wondering how the games are going to turn out should give you a good indication of how that turned out.

Chris Campbell (author of Tribebook: Get of Fenris and Tribebook: Shadow Lords (among other things Werewolfish) was nice enough to email back and forth with me a couple times, though, which was really nice of him. He's always been a very fan-approachable guy.
Anyways, I hadn't wrote anything here in a long time, so I decided I'd better.

UPCOMING EVENT: 80's partay.
WHEN: Saturday Aug 28 @ 7:30 pm
WHERE: Mi casa.
Im throwing a little 80's shindig at my house at the end of this month, and you all are invited.
Please dress up. We wont turn you away if you dont, but its more fun if yah do.
We'll have kegs, a pool table, 80's musak all night long, 80's flicks on the tube, etc.
Driving drunk sucks, so anyone who needs a place to crash for the night is more than welcome to stay.
Contact me if you need more information.
WATCHED BY: Fedona, Fucking_Hostile, rosey, sailormae, temperachel, WithSoberEyes, _Minx
My nickname is Oggie. If you stop by, ask any partygoer there to find me for you and ill direct you to other SG members.
5338 West Wolf Street,
Phoenix, Arizona 85031