My music choice lately has gone into the realm of "weird and depressing crap." I've pulled out the NIN (including the Johnny Cash cover), the Donnie Darko Soundtrack, some Savatage, Sigur Ros, and even some Dead Can Dance and the ultimately depressing Moby album "18".
Why, you ask? (Or don't. See if I care.)
Because life is fucking depressing.
On a daily basis, I get to hear about the exploits of a girl I dated about two months ago, who I still work with. In the past two months, she's slept with about a half-dozen guys (and all of them repeatedly, and sometimes switching guys from night to night)... she's back into the eating disorder thing, she might be pregnant, she took her kid with her one day to north Phoenix to buy some glass (the bad kind, not the Home Depot kind), she's having orgies with married guys and is ok with the fact that most of her friends are either a) married and cheat on their spouses excessively, or b) single parents who spend four nights a week out getting drunk while their kid is home by himself.
So why is life depressing?
Because these fucking whackos don't have signs taped around their necks that read, "Hi, I'm a psychotic, irrosponsible, life-destroying bitch who will suck the life out of you!" You'd think at least ONE guy she was invovled with in the past would take the initiative and tattoo a warning label on her drunk, passed-out ass some night before leaving her world for the realm of Real Life.
I STILL haven't written off doing it my damn self.
Plus, like I said, I work with this psycho hose-beast. Big mistake there, but that's my fault.
In addition to this perfect angel, I have a fundamentalist Christian Assistant Manager who's read "most of the Bible" and thinks of other religions (specifically citing Buddhism) as "bullshit that other people get into because they're trying to be different. They all know Christianity is the right religion." I shit you not. All direct quotes.
Plus, in addition to discovering the meaning of life, I've discovered that I'm not smart enough to sidestep the current dominant cultural paradigm. IE, I'm still a bitch to paychecks, social security numbers, jobs, insurance, and all that other human-mind bullshit that destroys peoples lives even before they realize that, "Oh shit, this is my one shot on this planet, and I've wasted it ALL earning money. What the hell?"
So I can see how everything is wrong, I just can't avoid it. That's got to be the most depressing predicament one can be in. Of all time.
Plus, I bought the Hellboy tradepaperback that reprints the first couple issues of the comic, since I suddenly became a fan of the comic after seeing the movie (I'll admit it)... and after a couple of days, half the pages are falling out. I've read it all of like, once. Very depressing.
Plus, I just read all of that stuff I just typed, and all it is is bitching and moaning! That's depressing, too! Shit!
Someone buy me lunch at Panda Express, and I'll tattoo your name over my heart and become your bodyguard for a month, and we can run off to Germany and change our names to cool stuff like Radiant Jade Lotus and Irridescent Striking Crane, and make money doing henna tattoos for underage kids. Seriously, step up someone!
Why, you ask? (Or don't. See if I care.)
Because life is fucking depressing.
On a daily basis, I get to hear about the exploits of a girl I dated about two months ago, who I still work with. In the past two months, she's slept with about a half-dozen guys (and all of them repeatedly, and sometimes switching guys from night to night)... she's back into the eating disorder thing, she might be pregnant, she took her kid with her one day to north Phoenix to buy some glass (the bad kind, not the Home Depot kind), she's having orgies with married guys and is ok with the fact that most of her friends are either a) married and cheat on their spouses excessively, or b) single parents who spend four nights a week out getting drunk while their kid is home by himself.
So why is life depressing?
Because these fucking whackos don't have signs taped around their necks that read, "Hi, I'm a psychotic, irrosponsible, life-destroying bitch who will suck the life out of you!" You'd think at least ONE guy she was invovled with in the past would take the initiative and tattoo a warning label on her drunk, passed-out ass some night before leaving her world for the realm of Real Life.
I STILL haven't written off doing it my damn self.
Plus, like I said, I work with this psycho hose-beast. Big mistake there, but that's my fault.
In addition to this perfect angel, I have a fundamentalist Christian Assistant Manager who's read "most of the Bible" and thinks of other religions (specifically citing Buddhism) as "bullshit that other people get into because they're trying to be different. They all know Christianity is the right religion." I shit you not. All direct quotes.
Plus, in addition to discovering the meaning of life, I've discovered that I'm not smart enough to sidestep the current dominant cultural paradigm. IE, I'm still a bitch to paychecks, social security numbers, jobs, insurance, and all that other human-mind bullshit that destroys peoples lives even before they realize that, "Oh shit, this is my one shot on this planet, and I've wasted it ALL earning money. What the hell?"
So I can see how everything is wrong, I just can't avoid it. That's got to be the most depressing predicament one can be in. Of all time.
Plus, I bought the Hellboy tradepaperback that reprints the first couple issues of the comic, since I suddenly became a fan of the comic after seeing the movie (I'll admit it)... and after a couple of days, half the pages are falling out. I've read it all of like, once. Very depressing.
Plus, I just read all of that stuff I just typed, and all it is is bitching and moaning! That's depressing, too! Shit!
Someone buy me lunch at Panda Express, and I'll tattoo your name over my heart and become your bodyguard for a month, and we can run off to Germany and change our names to cool stuff like Radiant Jade Lotus and Irridescent Striking Crane, and make money doing henna tattoos for underage kids. Seriously, step up someone!