I was out at three in the morning, in a yelling arguement with a girl I just recently broke up with, and a huge fucking owl landed in the tree next to me. She was too drunk to notice (the basis of the arguement), but it scared the shit out of me, and was cool at the same time. You only see owls when someone is going to die, so that kind of bothered me, but at the same time, it was like a big fat reminder that all the drama and social shit and taboos and expectations and bullshit that's going on in my life right now is all in our heads. It's all imaginary, it's all ghost stuff. There's a whole huge vast expanse of world and reality out there that doesn't give a shit about the insecurities and moods that fluxuate in our own little stupid weak heads, and it's a good thing to get in touch with that real, emotionless, random world once in a while.
Thank you owl.