I haven't heard back from my one and only interview for 2 weeks now. it's time to start looking again.
I hate looking for a job. I really want to work. but looking for a job makes me look at myself and I see how inadequate I am, how unhirable my history makes me. I'm a good worker, and a good employee. I get things done, I care about what I have to do, and it's important to me to make things run smoothly, so I'll go the extra mile for the most part, taking up extra work days and extra tasks. but I've been so sporadic in work history due to my meltdown after bible college and my addiction that employers look at my "two months, quit... two months, quit... " for my last few jobs and they toss my resume in the trash outright.
I don't even feel like trying anymore. But I don't really have a choice in the matter, if I don't work I don't eat. How bad could starvation really be? well, I'm about to find out. Water and rice is the staple of the third world... and my apartment.
Yesterday was fun, I spent it at Golden Gardens with some SG pals. By Coincidence my wonderful girlfriend was not only on the same beach but no more than 100 yards away, so she came and spent some time with the group as well.
The day before was D&D, and I had a blast facillitating the game as DM. it was a lot of fun, and I've already been working on the next session in my head
what's the longest you've unwillingly been unemployed?

I hate looking for a job. I really want to work. but looking for a job makes me look at myself and I see how inadequate I am, how unhirable my history makes me. I'm a good worker, and a good employee. I get things done, I care about what I have to do, and it's important to me to make things run smoothly, so I'll go the extra mile for the most part, taking up extra work days and extra tasks. but I've been so sporadic in work history due to my meltdown after bible college and my addiction that employers look at my "two months, quit... two months, quit... " for my last few jobs and they toss my resume in the trash outright.
I don't even feel like trying anymore. But I don't really have a choice in the matter, if I don't work I don't eat. How bad could starvation really be? well, I'm about to find out. Water and rice is the staple of the third world... and my apartment.
Yesterday was fun, I spent it at Golden Gardens with some SG pals. By Coincidence my wonderful girlfriend was not only on the same beach but no more than 100 yards away, so she came and spent some time with the group as well.

The day before was D&D, and I had a blast facillitating the game as DM. it was a lot of fun, and I've already been working on the next session in my head

what's the longest you've unwillingly been unemployed?
mmm chinese food

Grossssssss~~!~ YOu rock!