So here's a real update (as opposed to the imaginary ones I've been doing):
I've decided that I want, desperately want, that job at The Crypt. However, what I thought would be a quick hiring process has turned into a two week thing. I've put out a few other resumes, but nothing back from anything yet. I'm going to start temping here on monday, because I need something to do, and I suppose I could use the money. I will end up finding a permanent job, but for now I want to hold out for The Crypt.
I've decided that I want, desperately want, that job at The Crypt. However, what I thought would be a quick hiring process has turned into a two week thing. I've put out a few other resumes, but nothing back from anything yet. I'm going to start temping here on monday, because I need something to do, and I suppose I could use the money. I will end up finding a permanent job, but for now I want to hold out for The Crypt.