Looks like I'm getting a promotion. I'm either going to be a baker and work from 5:30 am till 2pm, or production (mixing up the cookies and such) and working 10am to 6:30pm.
I'm glad, because the ladies in the kitchen have been really dismissive and curt towards me. I don't know what I did to offend them, but they really never warmed up to me.
Then again, one of the ladies in production has always been condescending to me, so it's almost like, out of the frying pan and into the fryer.
I've got another inking session set for friday, doing the forearm (the hell and demon parts). Should be fun. Saturday is my work's christmas party (sorry BC'ers, I can't make it to yours). I need to do my christmas shopping soon for people, and I have zero ideas for most of them.
If you missed my pics, check my pics folder.
I was talking to a friend about buying christmas gifts, and she was telling me she was frustrated about how everyone responds with "I don't know" when asked what they want. I think for me, it's really hard to say what I want, because a lot of my wants are well beyond what a friend would be able to spend. I could list off 10 things I'd want, but none of those would be under 20 bucks, so it's kind of hard for me to say anything. I think most people are in this position.
My foster family capped their spending on me for christmas at 50 bucks. For me, Christmas was my time to see how well they really knew me, and they lived down to my every expectation. I would purposefully tell them I didn't know what I wanted because 1) if I had said some music or something, they wouldn't have got it for me, because it was that evil Punk stuff, and 2) it gave me a chance to see if they even had an inkling of what I liked.For 3 years straight they got me 5 pounds of Jelly Belly Jelly beans, and some other useless crap that I didn't want. At one point they gave me my foster brother's old coat, which they actually paid him the $50 limit to "get" it for me. When my mother was alive, I collected nutcrackers. I had over 100, but they were lost when she died (well, my stepmom "inhierited" them when my Dad and stepmom decided they didn't want me and stuck me in institutions for 4 years). I don't collect them anymore, there's no point; but I also managed to get one of those a year from my foster parents, even though I didn't want them anymore.
Anymore, the holidays (collectively every single one including my birthday) just remind me about how I went from having one person who loved me unconditionally to how I got shuffled around to a bunch of people who never tried to get to know me.
I'm glad, because the ladies in the kitchen have been really dismissive and curt towards me. I don't know what I did to offend them, but they really never warmed up to me.
Then again, one of the ladies in production has always been condescending to me, so it's almost like, out of the frying pan and into the fryer.
I've got another inking session set for friday, doing the forearm (the hell and demon parts). Should be fun. Saturday is my work's christmas party (sorry BC'ers, I can't make it to yours). I need to do my christmas shopping soon for people, and I have zero ideas for most of them.
If you missed my pics, check my pics folder.
I was talking to a friend about buying christmas gifts, and she was telling me she was frustrated about how everyone responds with "I don't know" when asked what they want. I think for me, it's really hard to say what I want, because a lot of my wants are well beyond what a friend would be able to spend. I could list off 10 things I'd want, but none of those would be under 20 bucks, so it's kind of hard for me to say anything. I think most people are in this position.
My foster family capped their spending on me for christmas at 50 bucks. For me, Christmas was my time to see how well they really knew me, and they lived down to my every expectation. I would purposefully tell them I didn't know what I wanted because 1) if I had said some music or something, they wouldn't have got it for me, because it was that evil Punk stuff, and 2) it gave me a chance to see if they even had an inkling of what I liked.For 3 years straight they got me 5 pounds of Jelly Belly Jelly beans, and some other useless crap that I didn't want. At one point they gave me my foster brother's old coat, which they actually paid him the $50 limit to "get" it for me. When my mother was alive, I collected nutcrackers. I had over 100, but they were lost when she died (well, my stepmom "inhierited" them when my Dad and stepmom decided they didn't want me and stuck me in institutions for 4 years). I don't collect them anymore, there's no point; but I also managed to get one of those a year from my foster parents, even though I didn't want them anymore.
Anymore, the holidays (collectively every single one including my birthday) just remind me about how I went from having one person who loved me unconditionally to how I got shuffled around to a bunch of people who never tried to get to know me.
I am one of those people who says "I don't know," because I honestly don't.