Hello everyone. I havn't been here in forever. As update for I know little of what updates I have made, but I moved to sacramento california on my motorcycle. 3,000 miles across country with all of my belongings. Rather fun trip, but long and devistating all in all. On my first day I made it to Rola Missouri and it was freezing rain, and after leaving in the snow I just couldn't take it and had to stop. Granted a beautiful place to stop, cold as all friggin hell. Next I wound up just outside of Albequrque. Texas was a fun trip, fun signs say, "Small cars beware of cross winds". Yeah they arn't kidding, after the 2nd time I got pushed across three lanes of traffic I started drafting semi's and cars lol. After three days I found myself in Las Vegas. The next day I made it from Las Vegas to Sacramento California in 6 hours. Basically I doubled every speedlimit I saw lol. Nothing to live for. I actually moved out here for a girl, well the girl left me a week before arriving so I am stuck somewhere not really wanting to be, with nothing much to live for. Blah, aside from that it is a much better place than lansing, except I can't afford to live. It's just way exspensive. I havn't been able to update this simply due to the fact that I am inbetween possibly moving into a new appartment. So idle I sit and to the friends I go for internet. So here is my update. Keep me in the love.
Thanks slick and it was one hell of a long trip for sure. And speedlimit crushing is always fun, untill you get caught lol. I will definatly keep you in touch, I'm just waiting for my internet to be hooked up after I get into my 2 bedroom appartment. I just wish there was more money here blah
That's quite the crazy move. Come out for the girl, stay for all the other awesome stuff we've got laying around...