This first is a piece my (now ex) wife and I both have. At the bottom is our anniversary, she is the Hedgehog, I am the Panda. Each year on our anniversary we added a cherry blossom. We moved often so we liked having different artists doing their own style of cherry blossom. The most recent one is obviously post divorce and I just told
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Lovely Ink ❤️💋
Thanks! I should update at some point. More has been added to both

So I am still at a loss, 3 years working on the 4th of marriage after being together for almost 8 years now, my wife has decided to be with someone else. We never fought, we never had an argument over this. Everything in my eyes was just perfect. I knew something was up, yet I was getting, because of her wanting children. Back story,...
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My world has been turned upside down.....Everything was on the up...Yet it fell right back down. I must have been a horrible person in a previous life. How can someone so innocent and so perfect hurt me so much?


Ok, so some updates considering my last real update was years ago. I got married 3 years ago. Pictures are as follows.

First is our wedding photo. Parts of my outfit my wife made, all of her outfit she made. Yes the top is individual strips of silk. Yes my wife is an amazing artist and clearly knows how to sew no matter what she...
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I have been gone many years, but I got bored on a business trip, so here I am back again. Things Are very different from my last adventures here, probably 10 vehicles and many locations later, but I will update as I go along. Don't want to waste all the years in one post.
You would think that maybe I would update this occasionally. Yet I never do because I can't seem to get the positive in my life. My luck has been at it's worst lately. If it could go wrong, it has. When I think it can only go up and I am having a great day....Things like my mirror flying off my ridiculously expensive motorcycle. I...
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Hey!! smile Nice pic... Greetings!

I hope everything it's better now..

It's been years, but I re activated my account finally!
Just looking through while pretending I know how to sleep.
I never realized how little I keep up with the internet anymore. I find it either good or horribly bad. I do loose knowledge, but often it is worthless knowledge anyways, but there are always times to keep up with motorcycles, but they are only names and lord knows no one knows anything mechanical from...
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Hey, I saw in you comment in the Streetfighter topic and was wondering how you're liking the 1098 a few months on? As I type we're getting the beginning of a 30-40" snow fall, so my 1050 is finally getting winterized and put into hibernation.
Also, where are you studying mechanics at? I was down in Phoenix at MMI about a year ago, I wish to god they had a Triumph or Ducati cert, I left with just a Suzuki and BMW cert, ran outta time and money.
Still alive and riding.
I am still locked away with the girlfriend, it is often difficult to find my way here with her. She doesn't work and skips school too often and I work 6 days a week. (just got down from 7 days a week smile As for a relationship not so great as I would like. I love this site and wish I can...
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great to hear from you dude
looking cool there on the beast,still having fun with her i bet and blasting down those twistys when you get the chance biggrin
keep rubber side down and keep safe bro smile
oops should have checked your blog first before asking for some pice of her lol
mmmm very sweet looks so good bro,good purchase there have fun on her smile
This stimulates 29 muscles and chemicals causing relaxation. Women seem to like it light and frequent, men like it more strenuous. What is it?
Correcto! Granted I am more of a Light and soft myself lol.
cheers mate
will ride safe dont worry about that,still getting used to the speed that she has to offer and its alot trust me biggrin biggrin

dident know the answer to that eeek