I'm a little confused. I just realized it's May and my account should be up for renewal so I checked in billing and it says my account is suspended right now, though I'm on here and blogging.. it also says my balance is $48, but shows the payment due for 2012.
Well, if I'm gone, I'll be back at some point.
Well, if I'm gone, I'll be back at some point.
I suspect that they know how awesome you are.
When my account expired, I was not notified (e.g., by email): I just went to connect one day and it said I was expired. That connection attempt was less than 40 hours from the end of the previous period, and I had not happened to try connecting during that period so the actual cut-off might have been less than the 40 hours. Certainly it didn't do anything quirky like it has done to you.